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Welcome To Feng Shui World

Welcome To Feng Shui World

Traditional and authentic Feng Shui advice and tips for your home & business.

Feng Shui. The Chinese and millions of other people believe, and live their lives by these natural forces. There are many different ‘schools’ of Feng Shui and you will find variations in the use and positioning of items.

Laughing Buddha

Laughing Buddha

A good Feng Shui Consultant or practitioner can suggest ways to improve the environment and harmony in any home or business using the five elements, xuan kong flying star, colour, positioning of furnishings etc, cures for problem areas and much more. Feng Shui is used by millions of people all over the world to enhance and attract good health, wealth and relationships.

Numerology & Feng Shui

Feng Shui and Numerology

The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to figures, they choose telephone numbers, house number, business numbers, car number plates and anything that has numbers in very carefully.

Every month we get to visit several homes and businesses on consultations and it amazes us as how far our clients take Feng Shui almost to paranoia, which is not good. If you have bad numbers do not worry about it, as I will show you how to eliminate the inauspicious effects.

A little story to begin with, last Friday night I was parked outside the cinema waiting to pick up my two boys and as much as I hate to admit it I was listening to BBC radio 4. I know you always think of the Archers or such like and this is what my Grandma used to listen too, they have some great debates on some nights.

“Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.”

Anyway this program was about superstition, and one of the interviewers was saying how she was not superstitious but had spent the last 30 years saluting magpies or never walking under ladders or the cracks of pavements. Well numbers and Feng Shui, are more superstitious Chinese folklore than anything else, do I take it seriously? Yes and no, if I found the perfect Feng Shui house with a good facing direction and it was good for my family but the house number was number 4, I would still buy it although I have to admit I would use the counter measures listed below.

The main reason these numbers are considered unlucky is because the way the numbers sounds when spoken especially to the Cantonese. An example in western numbers would be the #11 could sound like heaven or #8 sounds like weight or #1 sounds like son, do you see what I mean? So if you have an unlucky #4 and you are from a country other than China. Think of #4 as sounding like “more” which is great.

Numbers considered unlucky:

#4 (Sei) the worst number, why? Because in Cantonese when spoken sounds like the word death. #13 because if you add 1+3 = 4 as above. #24 #104 are also considered unlucky

Numbers considered lucky

8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 54, 68, 80, 84, 88, 99, 168 & 108 are all good numbers, the reason #8 is so lucky is because if you say the word (patt) it sounds like “faat” which means “prosperity & abundance”

There are many other numbers I have read about that are considered unlucky in my opinion this is “cannon fodder” and just written about to fill books, if you think about it you could go on for ages, #4 when spoken in English sounds like door, more, store, bore, jaw, paw and “SAW” which out of all of these sounds the worst

The cure:

If you own a home or business with a 4 or 13 is to draw a circle around the number, seriously it is that simple. The circle is extremely powerful and encloses the inauspicious effects of a negative number. So if you have a house number 4, a cheap way of curing is to go outside and draw a circle around your number or if you have time and money pop down to your local hardware store and find one of those ceramic door numbers that you can customise with a circle around the number, all this time you were worrying about nothing.

How seriously do we take numbers? I would be over the moon if we found the perfect house with great flying stars and it was #8 or 88, but I would not be put off buying it if it were #4 or 13, I would use the cure as above though or change it to a house name like “rose cottage” etc.

A quick guide to Feng Shui

Feng Shui objects and accessories can greatly enhance your environment while providing cures and renewed energies (chi) that affect positive changes in your personal life. For example, certain coins, colors and animals create “prosperity and healing” Chi; crystals and mirrors create visual movement of chi; wind chimes, crystals, fountains and special kinds of music create aural chi, and trees, plants and flowers create “life and growth” Chi.

For thousands of years the Chinese have applied the philosophy of Feng Shui to create auspicious energy flow within their surroundings. Literally translated as Wind and Water or the harmony between nature and living beings, Feng Shui utilizes the delicate flow of universal life energy to enhance our lives.  Enhance your environment and create harmony, abundance, and well-being for yourself and your family.

Feng Shui (pronounced fong shway) has been utilized for centuries by the Chinese to ensure that the energy flow within and around their environment is enhanced, creating auspicious ‘blessings’ in life.  Feng Shui has been called environmental acupuncture simply because we are working with the energy meridians around us and enhancing the Chi, or beneficial energy, flow within the environment.

Feng Shui can improve all aspects of our lives and is increasingly being used for both personal homes and businesses to enhance the flow of energy.  Many large businesses such as Virgin Airways, British Airways, Microsoft, Midland Bank, Harvey Nichols, the offices of The Wall Street Journal, The Hong Kong Bank, Shanghai Bank, and Morgan Bank have used Feng Shui to improve their business and harmony within the business world.

The Pa Kua is one of the easiest methods used to ascertain the Feng Shui of any given environment. The Pa Kua is an octagonal map or grid containing the symbols of the I Ching, the ancient oracle on which Feng Shui is based.  These symbols relate to every area or aspect of our lives and are divided into such categories as: fame, relationships/marriage, children/creativity, helpful people/travel, career, inner knowledge, family/ancestors/health, and wealth/blessings.

The Pa Kua grid is placed over the land, the building, rooms within a house or building and desks to show where there are negative or missing spaces and what may need rectifying or enhancing in life or the environment.  For example, if the Pa Kua grid is placed over the entire house plan and it shows the toilet, bathroom, laundry, or kitchen in the wealth/blessings area it would be considered that the money coming into that particular environment would disappear very fast, as if to be ‘going down the drain.’

Feng Shui offers remedies or enhancements to rectify inauspicious situations. In the above mentioned situation, the remedy would be to use either a round leaf plant, a hanging crystal, a wind chime, or the colours blue or green (the wealth /blessings colours). If the individual chooses to use a round leaf pot plant, they could also place six or eight gold coins, wrapped in red, underneath the plant, to symbolize the growth of their money.  It is not necessary, however, to use all these remedies together as it is up to the individual’s needs and personal aesthetics to choose what might be the most suitable enhancement for their environment.

It is important whenever using any Feng Shui remedies or enhancements, which you choose the most subtle and suitable items to fit into the individual environment, whether it is in a house or business. After all, Feng Shui is about improving all aspects and areas in our lives and environment in order to create a world that is more in balance.

Feng Shui Cures & Protection

Feng Shui offers many cures and protections, ranging from three legged toads to crystal spheres, the following are some of the most popular.

Lead Crystal Sphere
Activates Chi in your room or office, creating good for the occupants and increases the balance of Yang. Which brings a healthier frame of mind and body. This is one of the most commonly used cures and produces amazing results, when sunlight hits these high quality crystals, beams of coloured light radiate in all directions activating ch·i energy, can also be used to slow down ch·i.

Three legged Toad God
This figure is used for attracting wealth abundance. Place this wonderful creature near your front door, facing into your home for luck and wealth, or place it in the wealth sector of your living room or office to magnify your wealth luck. Always leave the coin in its mouth.

Three Legged Toad God

Three Legged Toad God

Ba Gua Mirrors
If you have any negative energy directed at your front door, these Ba Gua mirrors will disperse the energy.

Ba Gua Mirrors

Ba Gua Mirrors

Ba Gua Crystal
Excellent protection for outside or inside, a wider beam of rainbow is created with these, a must for all homes or office.

Fu Dogs Male & Female
These protective animals are placed near your doorway of home or office to protect from evil influences. They are a symbol of valor and prosperity. red shou shan stone.

Money sword
Made from ancient style Chinese coins, its the perfect cure to hang near a doorway for protection or in your wealth area to enhance abundance. Also hang over cash registers in business.

Red and Green Dragon
Dragon holding a pearl in its claw symbolising power. Made from red or green shou shan stone.

Happy Buddha

Place the Happy Buddha for Health in the east sector of your home, he collects your troubles in his sack and carries the bottle gourd filled with Holy Nectar for a long life.

Feng Shui tips for romance and relationships

Feng Shui plays an important part in your relationship and romance, follow the twelve tips below and you will be fighting them from your door.

1) THE SOUTH WEST CORNER – This segment of your house is where love reigns and you should pay special attention to it. It governs the luck of love, romance and family happiness.

2) SOUTH WEST CORNER – If you wish to improve your existing relationship, place a family photo in your south west corner of your home, make sure it is a happy photo or even a painting of a family. If you wish to enhance your romance luck place a Dragon headed tortoise with a piece of red ribbon in his mouth .

3) CHANDELIER – Hanging a chandelier or crystal sphere/ball in the Southwest corner of your home is wonderful for activating the chi energy that stimulates romance. This introduces fire into this segment, which has Earth as its presiding element to bring love luck.

4) SOFT LIGHTING – Soft or pastel colour lampshades with soft lighting in the Southwest creates an atmosphere of romance which in itself is known to “put you in the mood”. Needless to say, harsh lighting and spotlights are definitely to be avoided here.

5) CANDLES – Candles in all shapes, sizes and color are suggestive of love. Apart from giving your area a warm glow, it also enhances the entire look of your home, while enhancing romance. Remember however, to put them out so that they don’t pose a fire hazard in your home.

7) CRYSTALS – Natural crystals are one of the best symbols of mother earth. Rose quartz and yellow citrine are crystals that work well to bring you lots of love luck. Place these crystals in the form of pebbles or larger forms like the raw Amethyst in the Southwest corner of your living room to energize love.

8) PINK BED SHEETS – Pink sheets raise subtle yang energy, which enhances feelings of love and romance in those who seek conjugal bliss in the bedroom.

9) BE HONEST – Talk openly about your relationship and ways that you feel you could improve it.

10) Buy a indoor water fountain and place it in the south-west corner of your home, you will be amazed at the effect this can have on a relationship, or encourage a new one.

11) A wise man puts his foot down, only to shift positions when arguing with his wife.

12) Use Crystals spheres in your home to activate ch’i(energy)

Feng Shui tips for your home

1) There should be no shoes or slippers lying around outside the main door of your house. Remove it if you can. Allow that space at the main door to be free and clear. The chi (energy) rides with the wind and will collect all the smell of those shoes and slippers into your house causing sickness. Ch’i then travels about in your house looking for water to stay but if there are no water fountains or fish tanks, then the Ch’i will be dispersed by wind.

2) There should be no television sets in your bedrooms: If you cannot get rid of that habit then after watching the television cover it with a plastic table cloth. Remember it has to be plastic and not simply cloth.

3) There should be no mirrors opposite your bed or at the side of your bed. Mirrors opposite the bed can attract a third party to the relationship. Therefore, do not place mirrors anywhere you like and especially in your bedroom.

4) Place an indoor water fountain in your home, position in a favourable area to attract whatever you want in your life.

5) If you already have a fish tank in your house, be careful. A fish tank placed correctly can bring about greater fortune, as you will tap on the “Divine Water Dragon’s Den”. But if you tap wrongly, it can cause you to have lawsuits, bankruptcy, work pressure, troubles and problems. If you noticed any of these after placing the fish tank for approximately four months, shift your fish tank to another location.

6) In your kitchen, ensure that opposite your stove there is no refrigerator, washing machine, washbasin and toilet. The fire and water crash causing family members to have disagreements.

7) Try not to allow children to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Yes, this allows young children not to fall off beds but it also causes young children to fall sick frequently. The reason is: chi is not able to flow underneath the bed. Ideally, chi should circulate around the mattress where our children sleep to allow them to be healthy.

8) For young children, try to have their back to the wall when they write. It is important there should be a solid wall behind a children’s writing table. This allows the child to have support so that he can sit there and study longer rather than for only half an hour and then they tend to move about because there is no solid wall behind their back. Adjust your writing table.

9) Do not allow children to sleep on double bunk beds even if it means saving space. The child sleeping underneath will not have “fresh chi” and so his health might be weak. But if due to space constraints, then monitor your child’s health if not add in a metal 6 rods wind chime or a crystal sphere, to break up the “stale chi” around his bed.

10) Your bed should always have a solid wall behind you. This is important if you wish to have a good rest. A solid wall simply means that you can go into deeper sleep and therefore enabling you to have good rest so that when you wake up in the morning, you will feel fresh and well rested. This also allows you to be able to concentrate on your work better.

11) There should be no beam on top of your bed. The beam above causes chi to be pressured thus enabling you to have pressures in life. Therefore, don’t place furniture underneath it or alternatively level the beam. But make sure if you choose the latter, it is important that you have enough height for that space.

12) If you have a lot of work pressure, maybe it’s the marble table that you have in your dinning room that causes you to have those problems. Remove that marble table and change to a wooden one or alternatively live with that work pressure!

13) If your child usually falls sick in that bedroom: Then either change them to another bedroom or simply hang a six rod metal wind chime as the metal element will break all the earth energies in that room. After hanging, if the wind could not do the job for you then you will have to “chime” it yourself and then watch for the good results.

14) Do not use a red sofa set: The colour red represent the element of fire. And for Feng Shui, some places simply cannot have the colour red in that sector. For example: the wealth area or some other sectors which without a Feng Shui check would be unable to tell you where it is. A red sofa sets gives rise to heavy work pressure, troubles and obstacles.

15) Always open your bedroom windows at least once 20 minutes a day to allow fresh chi to come in, we do this so that it allows fresh new chi from outside to come into your bedroom, if not you will be sleeping with stale chi every night. And if that happens, then how can you expect your life to bring in more good fortune to come to you? So open that window and never mind if dusts comes in! The great good fortune that you can have will far exceeds the time you take to clean off the dust.

Feng Shui tips for health

Do you get good nights sleep?

Sleep is vital to your health and it determines how well you function in your day. As the famous mattress ad goes, “tomorrow begins tonight.” From a Feng Shui perspective, there could be various reasons for this.

Your bedroom, your sanctuary.

This is an area where you spend a lot of time, which you rest, sleep, play, dress and dream in. So make sure you have everything you need that induces rest. Are your pillows clean and comfortable, and what about the mattress? Is the room warm enough? Do you have your favorite sheets on and do you change them regularly? Are you turning your mattress over regularly? Do you have clutter under your bed? If you have bed draws under make sure you keep them tidy and if possible only keep sheets or towels in them.

Health factors

Are you also getting enough exercise? Have you got a balanced diet? Remember that the foods you consume also need to have not just a balance from a dietary perspective but also from a yin and yang balance. For example, microwave food is usually too much yang. Coffee keeps people awake. When did you have that last cup and was it too close to bedtime? These are factors you need to ask.

Feng Shui and sleep

Electronic items are not good to keep in your bedroom; they may give you sleepless nights. The television for example is something many people like having in their bedrooms, but what they don’t seem to realise is that it produces too much yang energy which disturbs sleep patterns.

Yin energy is important in bedrooms as it encourages rest and relaxation. High also on the list are Hi-fi sets and even computers. So if you work from home and have a workstation in your bedroom, it is bound to affect your sleep. And to top it all computers and televisions also become a mirror when switched off and work as a reflector. A cure for these problems is keep them covered at night with a sheet.

Married couples could experience a strain in the marriage when the mirror reflects the bed and it could mean the marriage becoming “crowded.” So in short it seem it is better to keep these gadgets out of the bedroom for good. Having said that though.

Your bedroom décor

Is your bedroom painted in a bright fierce colour? That in it represents yang energy. Rooms should preferably in soft pastel shades. Bed-sheets too should be in pastels unless you have been feeling sluggish lately, in which case red bed sheets should be just the right thing.


Make sure that your room is sufficiently lit and yet not overdone. Soft lampshades are fine but spotlights and harsh lighting do not help. On the whole it is not easy to get everything right but trying something new each time helps. So try getting just the right feel and you would know what works for you. Make sure you hang some crystals in the window.

Your bedroom should have a romantic feel to it, with soft colours and lighting. Hang some romantic or saucy pictures on the walls, or some loving couples statues on your bedside or dressing table. Always keep it clean and tidy.

Ps If you have an en-suite make sure you always keep the door closed and toilet seat down.

Feng Shui items for health:

Lead Crystal Sphere
Activates Chi in your room or office, creating good for the occupants and increases the balance of Yang. As well as looking fantastic.

3 Immortals
Fuk,Luk & Sau are the gods of Wealth, Health and Longevity. They represent the three most important aspects of good fortune. Place in your dining or living room to attract the good fortune into your home.

Longevity Immortal
One of the famous three immortals, Longevity (Shou) has many symbols of long life. A bald high cranium, a peach wood staff and a peach in his hand. The peach is an emblem of marriage and symbolic of immortality and good health.

Boading energy balls
An ancient Chinese way to good health! The two metal balls with high & low sound plates inside. Used to build strength and remove diseases.

Special Pebble
If this very special pebble is placed in a container of clear spring water it will after ten minutes or so, have a profound effect on the energy level of the water, turning it into a very powerful Healing Elixir. Although filtered tap water can be used, bottled spring water is much better.  You can test this for yourself, by filling two glasses with water from the same source. Place the pebble in one glass and wait for ten minutes. You should then be able to taste the difference.

Laughing Buddha
The Laughing Buddha is a symbol of wealth and happiness; just looking at his jolly face will cheer you up. If you stroke his belly daily he will bring you good luck! Place him anywhere in the house or place of work. Good for child’s bedroom.

Amethyst is the stone that possesses the strongest spiritual energy. It is a remarkable stone as a meditation and concentration support. Amethyst stimulates the intellectual side of your life. Increases activity of right-side brain – purifies blood – reinforces immunity system – increases psychic skills and intuition – tranquilizer.

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